We officially kick off projects on Monday, October 21. Projects will begin posting on the website beginning this coming Saturday.
We have a project we would like to get kicked off ASAP as the deadline to drop off is Monday, October 21. If you would like to help with this outreach please begin and simply mark in your passport.
Mission: Complete a Hygiene OR Disaster Cleaning Bucket and drop to Oprhan Grain Train by Monday, Oct. 21. All will be taken by OGT to our fellow citizens in North Carolina.
Your Mission: Choose to complete either a Hygiene Kit or a Disaster Cleaning Bucket. Please know YOU are not expected to purchase all these items - get your neighbors, church group, book club, work place, youth group, sports team etc. Use YOUR influence and rally the troops! We would love to see photos!
Completed kits can be dropped off directly at the OGT warehouse: 621 East-West Boulevard, Millersville, MD.
The warehouse will be open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:00 until noon, Tuesday evenings from 5:00 until 7:00 pm and Saturday, October 12th, from 9:00 until noon.
Hygiene Kit: Place all items in a one-gallon size resealable bag.
· One hand towel (15 x 25 –17 x 27 inches)
· One washcloth
· One sturdy comb
· One toenail or fingernail clipper
· Bath-size soap (3 oz. bar or larger) - In original packaging
· One adult toothbrush - In original packaging
· Unopened toothpaste
· Small hand sanitizer
· Small shampoo
· 10 adhesive band-aids (¾ by 3 inches)
Disaster Cleaning Buckets: Place all items in a 5-gallon bucket with a lid.
· Scrub brush
· Ajax scrub powder
· Long cleaning gloves
· Sponge
· Cleaning solution concentrate (Mr. Clean or Pine-Sol)
· One hand towel
· Window cleaner spray
· Chlorox bleach concentrate
· Roll of paper towels
· Hand Wipes
Date: Last day to drop off Monday, October 21
Orphan Grain Train Warehouse: 621 East - West Blvd. Millersville, MD. 21108
Sign-Up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4BAAAF29A1FAC07-52214344-orphan
(Note: this is simply to give us a head count on how many we will receive.)